Wednesday, October 23, 2013

UPLIFTING BLOGS free e book download by: B.B. Berg

UPLIFTING BLOGS simply click on this link to receive your free book!

Free ebook download by B.B. Berg
I've just created a fun little Pocket book that you can take everywhere with you
to give you that special "Lift!"

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Quick and easy photo chart of our Wing sizes

Quick and easy photo chart of our Wing sizes

Our main website is:
and now announcing my brand new store on Etsy!

Smallest size Butterfly Wings we call:

Large Child or Small Adult size Butterfly Wings:

Largest Adult size Butterfly Wings

Other Wing items we sell:
Isis/Angel Wing Capes (no poles) great for hands free like Zil playing!

Arm Band Style Isis Wings (Normal Size)

I am presently making 
Arm Band Style Isis Wings 
"Full Isis width" style
in other words exactly as much material as Isis Wings only in an Arm Band style.
pic coming soon!

Quick and easy photo chart of our Wing sizes

Quick and easy photo chart of our Wing sizes

Our main website is:
and now announcing my brand new store on Etsy!

Smallest size Butterfly Wings we call:

Large Child or Small Adult size Butterfly Wings:

Largest Adult size Butterfly Wings

Other Wing items we sell:
Isis/Angel Wing Capes (no poles) great for hands free like Zil playing!

Arm Band Style Isis Wings (Normal Size)

I am presently making 
Arm Band Style Isis Wings 
"Full Isis width" style
in other words exactly as much material as Isis Wings only in an Arm Band style.
pic coming soon!

Saturday, February 23, 2013


please see us on Facebook. Our site no longer in existence.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wing Therapy ™ lesson plan revised

Wing Therapy™ Lesson Plan

          Part 1~ Breathing
     Breath is Life!
Breath is Change!
Change your Breath and you will “Think” differently.
Change your Breath and you will “Feel” differently.
Depression is created by not breathing deeply.
The majority of people Breathe half way and therefore exist only half alive!
Breathe in expanding your Diaphragm (tummy out) Breathe out pushing in your Diaphragm (tummy in)
o   Affirm as you breathe in: You are Powerful, Radiant and Strong.
o   As you breathe out think: You are releasing toxins, attaining Peace, Getting Lighter.
*breathing out with a sound like a sigh or Ahhh releases even more Toxins and Negative thought patterns.

*                      Part 2 ~ Warm-Ups and Stretching

*As we do our Warm ups continue to breathe the same way. I will remind you to follow the breath.
Simply follow me in my special warm-ups created for optimal results.

*                      Part 3 ~ Awakening the Healing Power in your Hands 
o   Clap your hands and Palms for about 30 Seconds then hold your hands in front of your heart chakra (your chest area) and slowly, like an accordion, move them back and forth ~ palms facing each other. Feel warmth. Feel a magnetic attraction as you get closer and a resistance as you get farther apart. 
*We are all electromagnetic energy centers and we can increase this energy by our thoughts (Feelings)
Imagine now that your hands are Red Hot and Radiating energy. 
If you have any disharmony in your body place your hands Lovingly left hand flat and right hand on top of area. Hold 60 seconds.

*                      Part ~ 4 Don your Wings - Swoop and Swirl while Cleansing your Auric Field simultaneously

*All of these movements have similar qualities and benefits as the Healing Modalities of Reiki, Martial Arts movements, Yoga, Pilates and more. 
*Always continue Breathing – with tummy

Our Posture is always Shoulders down & Chest up.
·       Basic Belly Dance moves:
·       Gentle Circles, 8’s, Lunges, Hip Drop, Maya, Circle Step, and Shimmy
·       Swooping movements:
·       Down to up (always follow thru) with step
·       Up to down (always follow thru) with step
·       One side
·       With Lunge
·       Two poles together
·       Making swirls
·       Maya lowered arms
·       Shake or tremble wings!
·       Move poles up and down
·       Throw the bouquet (Your back is to audience) or center of circle.
·       POSES
·       Box –Entrance
·       The Temple: Cross above-with circles
·       Right arm bent left straight
·       Vice versa
·       Parallel
·       Parallel - right higher –left higher
·       Snake arms
·       Move wings up in fragments
·       CIRCLES - Be aware of dizziness!
·       Parallel
·       One higher, one lower
·       Tulip Circle: Both bent up
·       Butterfly Circle : Moving arms up and down and you spin

* Part 5 ~ Free Style Dance
Let it go!

* Part 6 ~ Grounding & E.F.T. (Emotional Freedom Technique
*To see more about what is E.F.T. feel free to go to:

Duration of class 1 hour and 30 minutes 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Total workout for the Body,Heart and Spirit! Wing Therapy™ by: B.B. Berg Founder and Creator

I've been looking into the phenomena called "Zumba" and it looks really fun and beneficial BUT this and other of forms workouts are not, in my opinion, Healing the Whole of the Body, Heart and Spirit.

Losing Weight is a form of Healing.

Getting into shape,becoming stronger, is a form of Healing.

Developing self-confidence, self esteem is a form of Healing. 

These Healing energies that derive from the Divine White Light or Source is what creates the lasting transformation we truly want and desire. 
True Healing encompasses much, much more than simply dancing or moving your body. 
What I'm talking about is a total Energetic Healing.
Wing Therapy™ workout

Included in our classes are also
Affirmations to achieve our ideal weight

Guided Imagery to reach the subconscious mind where we can implement true change in regards to Weight Loss, Self Image, Self Esteem  and Beyond.
and finally we end each class with E.F.T.
Emotional Freedom Technique.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


B is the Crown Chakra and pertains to the Realm of - Will (Spiritual), Awareness & Super consciousness, Buddhic consciousness or Cosmic consciousness.

A is the Third Eye Chakra and pertains to the Realm of – Intuition, Clarity, Insight, Perception and Clairvoyance.

G is the Throat Chakra the Realm of – Creativity, Imagination, and True Self Expression.

F is the Heart Chakra which pertains to the Realm of – Love, Compassion, Empathy and Connection to others.

E is the Solar Plexus Chakra the Realm of – Emotions, Desire, and Personal Empowerment.

D is the Sacral Chakra the Ream of – Sexuality, Vitality, Dance and Movement and Being Grounded.

C is the Root Chakra which is in the Realm of – the seat of Kundalini Awakening, Primal will to survive and Primordial.

If you'd like to read my experience on this please go to:

Singing is a Healing tool of the greatest power.
Joy arises from our hearts as sorrow and stress leave us.
Singing is the Ultimate Expression of our Souls and
Our Voices in Song are the Strongest of all Prayers!

Learn with me to free your own natural voice.
Classes include:
Diaphragmatic exercises
Deep Breathing exercises
Vocal Freedom exercises
Ear training,listening skills
and of course Singing our favorite songs!
Stage presence and microphone techniques.